Archives Mensuelles: décembre 2009

Sur le site d’une grande banque…

voilà ce qu’on pourrait trouver, alors qu’on essaye sans succès sur une page Web de changer son mot de passe : <script language= »javascript »> function ifEnterIsPressed() { if (window.event.keyCode==13) { submitTheForm(); } } function submitTheForm() { if ( (document.theform.password0.value.length >= 10) && (document.theform.password1.value.length >= 10) && (document.theform.password2.value.length >= 10) && (document.theform.password0.value.length <= 20) && (document.theform.password1.value.length <= […]

One more down, many to go…

After the court decision about thePirateBay, now it’s the time to be sad for Mininova, So from now on only « approuved » content will be available on the website. If you want more information you can check it out on the Mininova Blog.

Just because i haven’t done anything lately…

and because i’m deep into the last parts of a new release (for my job), here’s a little thought i’d love to share :